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Typical Process for Common Services:

How do typical inspection processes normally playout?

While there are variations from inspection to inspection.  In general, home inspections begin on the outside of the home, including any detached garages and decks.  From there, the inspection moves to the interior of the home focusing on kitchens and baths first, then fireplaces and general interior.  Then the inspector inspects the attic, followed by basement and any mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems found there. Additional testing, such as water testing and radon is set up at the end.  Wood destroying organism (pest) and mold screening is done along side the home inspection.  If mold screening finds mold present at the inspection, a mold assessment may be started at that time or a later time depending on time and the clients desire for a full assessment.  Otherwise, mold assessments and mold testing are performed separately at the clients request.


The following flowchart shows typical order and timing for most inspection services:

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